Share Value Set on BioPortal

To make your value set accessible to CEDAR, follow these steps to publish it on BioPortal.

First Time Submission

Step 1: Create a BioPortal Account

  • Go to BioPortal.
  • Fill out the registration form if you don’t have a BioPortal account, otherwise proceed to log in to your account.

Step 2: Register a New Ontology

  • Visit the “Submit New Ontology” page:
    • Click “Ontologies” in the top navigation bar.
    • Click the “Submit New Ontology” button from the left panel.
  • Fill in the required details: Register new ontology form

    • Name: → Enter a meaningful name for your value set.
    • Acronym: → Provide a short, unique identifier (e.g., ACME).
    • Administrators: → Optionally, add another BioPortal users as the administrator.
    • Viewing Restrictions: → Keep it “Public” for CEDAR access.
    • Categories: → Choose an appropriate category from the drop-down list.
    • View: → Leave unselected.
    • Optionally, subscribe to email notification.
    • Click the “Create ontology” button to finish.

Step 3: Create a new Submission

  • Fill in the required details to create a new submission: Create a new submission form

    • Description: → Write a meaningful description about the value set.
    • Format: → Select “SKOS” for the format.
    • Version: → Enter a version number (e.g., “1.0.0”).
    • Language: → Select “English” as the language, or specify another language.
    • Status: → Select “alpha” or “beta” for preview versions, or “production” for public use.
    • Release date: → Make sure to select today’s date.
    • Location: → Choose “Upload local file” option and select your SKOS file.
    • Contact: → Provide the name and email of the responsible person.
    • Optionally, add Homepage URL, Documentation URL, or Publications DOI.
    • Click the “Add submission” button to finish.

Subsequent Submission

  • Visit your value set’s page, for example:, where ACME your registered acronym from the value set.
  • Click the plus button on the Submissions table to open the submission form. Create a new submission
  • Provide the updated details:
    • Version: → Increment the version number from the previous version (e.g., 1.1.0).
    • Status: → Update if necessary.
    • Release date: → Select today’s date.
    • Location: → Upload the new SKOS file.
  • Click the “Add submission” button to finish.