Here is some information to help you understand the basic functions of the RESTful API, including making requests, reading responses, and potential errors.
Base URL:
Validate Spreadsheet
To validate a spreadsheet, you create a list of MetadataRecord
objects which represents each row in the spreadsheet, and a link to a CEDAR template by adding the template IRI that you can get from browsing the CEDAR template repository.
POST /service/validate
Example cURL:
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"spreadsheetData": [
"sample_id": "Visium_9OLC_I4_S2",
"source_storage_time_value": 208,
"source_storage_time_unit": "day",
"preparation_medium": "Methanol (100%)",
"preparation_condition": "Ice",
"processing_time_value": 4,
"processing_time_unit": "minute",
"storage_medium": "OCT embedded",
"storage_condition": "-80 celsius freezer",
"quality_criteria": "",
"histological_report": "",
"thickness_value": 10,
"thickness_unit": "millimeter",
"section_index_number": 3,
"area_value": 15.84,
"area_unit": "square millimeter",
"notes": ""
"sample_id": "",
"source_storage_time_value": "86 days",
"source_storage_time_unit": "days",
"preparation_medium": "Formalin",
"preparation_condition": "",
"processing_time_value": "10 minutes",
"processing_time_unit": "minutes",
"storage_medium": "Paraffin embedded",
"storage_condition": "Liquid nitrogen",
"quality_criteria": "",
"histological_report": 12.05,
"thickness_value": 10,
"thickness_unit": "mm",
"section_index_number": 1,
"area_value": 12.05,
"area_unit": "mm^2",
"notes": ""
"sample_id": "",
"source_storage_time_value": "86 days",
"source_storage_time_unit": "days",
"preparation_medium": "Formalin",
"preparation_condition": "",
"processing_time_value": "10 minutes",
"processing_time_unit": "minutes",
"storage_medium": "Paraffin embedded",
"storage_condition": "Liquid nitrogen",
"quality_criteria": "",
"histological_report": 15.84,
"thickness_value": 10,
"thickness_unit": "mm",
"section_index_number": 2,
"area_value": 15.84,
"area_unit": "mm^2",
"notes": ""
"cedarTemplateIri": ""
This API call expects an input in JSON format, and you need to inform the server that you are sending a JSON-formatted payload. To do that you must include the Content-Type: application/json
HTTP header with every call.
Variable Name | Value | When to send it |
Content-Type | application/json | MUST be sent with every call. |
Body Schema
The input object that needs to be sent to the validation server.
"spreadsheetData": [ MetadataRecord ],
"cedarTemplateIri": "string"
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
spreadsheetData | [ MetadataRecord ] | The metadata records. |
cedarTemplateIri | string | The CEDAR Template IRI that provides the metadata specification. |
Details on MetadataRecord
This object represents a row in the spreadsheet.
column1: Any,
column2: Any,
column3: Any,
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
column1 , column2 , …, columnN | Any | The column value. (Note: the variables column1 , column2 , …, columnN shall be replaced by the actual column names in the spreadsheet). |
Response Schema
The response object that the validation server will send you back if the call is a success.
"schema": Schema,
"data": [ OrderedMetadataRecord ],
"reporting": [ ErrorReport ]
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
schema | Schema | The metadata specification object. |
data | [ OrderedMetadataRecord ] | The metadata records. |
reporting | [ ErrorReport ] | The error reports generated by the validator algorithm. |
Details on Schema
This object represents the overview of the metadata specification schema.
"name": "string",
"columnDescription": ColumnDescription,
"columnOrder": [ "string" ],
"generatedFrom": "string"
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the metadata specification (i.e., CEDAR template name). |
columnDescription | ColumnDescription | The column description as mentioned in the metadata specification. |
columnOrder | [ string ] | The column order as it appears in the metadata specification. |
generatedFrom | string | The CEDAR template IRI which links to the metadata specification. |
Details on ColumnDescription
This object represents a collection of column definitions that the server has extracted from reading the CEDAR template.
"column1": ColumnSchema,
"column2": ColumnSchema,
"column3": ColumnSchema,
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
column1 , column2 , …, columnN | ColumnSchema | The column specification. (Note: the variables column1 , column2 , …, columnN shall be replaced by the actual column names in the spreadsheet). |
Details on ColumnSchema
This object represents the details of the column definition.
"name": "string",
"label": "string",
"type": "string",
"subType": "string",
"min": 0,
"max": 0,
"required": true,
"description": "string",
"permissibleValues: [ PermissibleValue ]
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The column’s variable name. |
label | string | The column’s label. |
type | string | The column’s value type (possible values: “string”, “number”). |
subType | string | The column’s value sub-type (possible values: “decimal”, “integer”). |
min | number | The minimum number constraint (used only when type = “number”). |
max | number | The maximum number constraint (used only when type = “number”). |
required | boolean | Whether the column must have a value or not. |
description | string | The column’s description. |
permissibleValues | [ PermissibleValue ] | A list of values that can be used to fill out the column. |
Details on PermissibleValue
This object represents a pair of term label and term IRI from a source ontology.
"label": "string",
"meaning": "string"
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
label | string | The term’s label found on the rdfs:label property in an ontology. |
meaning | string | The term’s IRI found in an ontology. |
Details on OrderedMetadataRecord
This object represents a row in the spreadsheet but with an extra rowNumber
attribute to make clear the row indexing.
rowNumber: number,
column1: Any,
column2: Any,
column3: Any,
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
rowNumber | number | The order number of the metadata record in the spreadsheet (start from 0). |
column1 , column2 , …, columnN | Any | The column value. (Note: the variables column1 , column2 , …, columnN shall be replaced by the actual column names in the spreadsheet). |
Details on ErrorReport
This object represents the error details detected by the validator’s algorithm.
"errorType": "string",
"column": "string",
"row": 0,
"value": Any
"repairSuggestion": Any,
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
errorType | string | The type of error (possible values: “missingRequired”, “notStandardTerm”, “notNumberType”, “notStringType”, “numberOutOfRange”). |
column | string | The column name (not label). |
row | number | The row index number (start from 0). |
value | Any | The original value from spreadsheet. |
repairSuggestion | Any | The new value suggested by the validator’s algorithm. |
Response Code
The HTTP status code used by the RESTful Validate API
Code | Description |
200 | Success. |
400 | The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax in the request body. |
500 | The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. |